CD-ROMs & Software section |
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This page lists software available direct from me by mail order. With the exception of Launchpad (which is copyrighted software) the CD-ROMs are all freely copyable and may be copied as required for others as long as you don't profit from them, in the interests of making these software collections available to all users of the QL. Most of the software on these CDs is freely available for download from elsewhere on this site or on other people's websites. I've made the collections available on CD_ROMs because not everyone wants to spend time and money downloading software from websites.
Most of these CDs are in QXL.WIN format, accessible from most QL systems able to read QXL.WIN filing systems. Some have zipped copies of the files on the CD as well to make it easier to transfer to systems not able to handle QXL.WIN. Systems able to read these include QXL, uQLx, QemuLator for Windows and QPC2. Qubide users may be able to access the CDs using alien disk readers like recent versions of Discover. Q40/Q60 should be able to access the CDs using software like Thierry Godefroy's Atapi-CD, Wolfgang Lenerz's QXLWIN, or Duncan Neithercutt's QCD-EZE software.
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Launchpad |
An easy to use graphical front end system for most QL systems, compatibles and emulators. Version 1 will work on most systems with pointer environment and expanded memory, version 2 needs GD2 ("colour drivers") and Window Manager version 2 or later (SMSQ/E or QDOS with pointer environment version 2 or later). Further details from the Launchpad page on this website. The picture on the right shows Launchpad v2 running on a QPC2 system with a picture of a QL as wallpaper in the background. Please state if you need version 1 or 2, or order both versions for just £25.00. The software will normally be supplied on 2 HD floppy disks unless you state otherwise - please tell me if you can only use DD disks.
Over 150 freeware, PD and shareware games all gathered onto one CD. Arcade games, adventures, board games, puzzles, games written in BASIC to tinker's all here! Enjoy a bit of light relief from all that serious QLing. Great fun for the kids too (not just the adults!)
This now has its own page. Click here to see it.
A CD with all sorts of software toolkits and extensions for the QL, along with various BASIC programming aid software. Ideal for the BASIC programmer!
Hundreds of great colourful wallpaper images in the 5 most common screen resolutions, complete with a QL graphics/Windows BMP converter and viewing program, which can handle QL screen, PIC, PSA and Page Designer files of all sizes (memory permitting) and from mode 4 up to 16-bit colour, including Aurora 256 colour files. The images on the DVD or on the 6 CD-ROMs may be used directly as Windows wallpaper, or run through the BMP program to make into QL files for use as wallpaper via SMSQ/E's BGIMAGE command. Please state if you'd prefer the single DVD or 6 CD-ROM version. For further information, click here
All the best QL emulators for various computer systems brought together on one great CD complete with loads of the best free QL software, which includes freeware and shareware, for use with most QL systems. The CD includes uQLx, QemuLator for PC and Mac, QLay, QLay 2, QLem, QDOS Classic for Amiga, QDOS4Amiga and QPC2 Trial version. Note: some of the packages on this CD are Shareware (e.g. QemuLator for Windows) which may require a payment to the author to get the full facilities of a program or to continue to use it after a trial period. Click here for further information.
One of my most popular CDs, this one gathers together all sorts of manuals, tutorials, programming information and articles from various sources into one fantastic collection of QL documents. Bought a second hand disk interface and need a replacement manual? Need some assembler programming references? Need an introduction to pointer environment? They're all here - too many subjects to list in detail here, so if you want to know more, click here for a detailed list.
A huge collection of over 200 disks of freeware and shareware QL software brought together into one great collection. If you want to get your hands on a large collection of free QL software without spending time and money downloading it from various websites, this CD is for you. Start your own QL PD library, even! Too many programs to list - just take my word for it, there's a lot of free QL software available!!!
Another huge although slightly older collection of free QL software from Gérard Plavec in Austria.
A collection of hundreds of clipart in _ldp format for use with the Line Design package from PROGS.
A massive collection of royalty-free (out of copyright) texts - novels etc etc. Great light reading for those dark winter nights!
The QL might be a religion in itself to us QLers, but this CD contains Biblical texts, clipart, various Bibles and other sacred texts. Mostly Christian material, but some texts from other religions are included as well.
In 2011, the ZX81 celebrates 30 years since its launch! This CD contains ZX81 emulators for QDOS, DOS, Windows, Mac (PPC), Atari, Amiga OS4, X, Linux, ZX Spectrum and loads of software snapshots for use with the emulator. The ZX81 was my first computer and I still get nostalgic about it!
These have their own page - click here.
To order these CDs (or Launchpad on disk) please send payment in Pounds Sterling (price includes postage) to:
Dilwyn Jones, 22 Erw Las, Bethesda, Gwynedd, LL57 3YT, U.K.
Also available online from Bruce Nicholls at Quo Vadis Design in England.
European orders (payment in Euros) also available at:
Darren Branagh, Q-Celt Computing, Funionsa,
Funshinagh, Cross, Co. Mayo, Ireland
Email: darrenbranagh AT gmail DOT com
Outside Europe (e.g. USA) please contact your local QL software reseller or Quo Vadis Design first to see if they can get copies for you in order to save on currency conversion costs as I can't accept credit cards. If a group want to purchase copies, remember these are freeware CDs so once one of you has a copy you can quite legitimately duplicate the CD for others to save costs. I don't profit from these works, after putting so much work into these I just like to see as many QLers as possible using them!
Enquiries etc - please contact me using the Message Form