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Dilwyn Jones Sinclair QL Pages

A Sinclair QL Computer  

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Software downloads
About the QL
General information
QL emulators

Links to QL sites

Online QL User Guide
About me
List of site updates

My QL Blog

QL Page On Facebook


North Wales Craftworkers

Welsh Records Blog

Welsh Translation


Site Search

Welcome to Dilwyn Jones's QL information and PD software download pages. All of the material here is for the Sinclair QL and compatible computers and emulators only, unless otherwise stated. The site is split into sections - just click on the links in the box to the left to get to where you want, or use the site search box above to search for something. If you haven't visited recently you may wish to refresh your browser to make sure you have the latest copy of this page - try pressing F5 in your browser.

The Sinclair QL

The Sinclair QL is a vintage computer first produced in 1983/4 and still used by many worldwide. If you are into retro-computing at all, the QL is an ideal choice of computer. It has a wonderful multi-tasking operating system called QDOS and a great on-board SuperBASIC interpreter for those who like to try their hand at the odd bit of programming! A newer operating system for QL is called SMSQ/E. The QL has spawned several compatible computers, including the Q40, Q60, Thor and Aurora, plus several QL emulators which run on computers as diverse as PCs, Amigas, Ataris, Macs (68K, PPC and OSX) and Linux systems. More information on the QL is available from the About The QL pages on this site.

QL Manuals and ROM images

If you need a QL manual, look here. An online QL user guide may be found here. An eBook version of the QL user guide is here. Replacement manuals for older QL hardware such as floppy disc interfaces may be found here. For QL ROM images (e.g. for use with emulators) look here.

Software Downloads

All of the software here is either freeware, PD, shareware or charity-ware unless explicitly stated otherwise. If you discover that any software on this site should not be here for copyright or any other reasons, please let me know as soon as possible so that the offending software may be removed. Similarly, if you discover any errors, please let me know so that I may try to correct them.

Broken executables, lost dataspaces and executable file headers after unzipping in Windows (program gives a "bad parameter" error after unzipping in non-QDOS environment), etc - have a look at this blog post.

Zip Files

Most of the QL software packages on this site are in zip file format - QL Zip and Unzip packages are available from the Archivers page on this site. Note that if QL programs are unzipped using non-QDOS versions of Unzip, the QDOS executable file header will usually be lost and the programs may not work as intended. Information on the use of Zip/Unzip and transferring files can be found here.

PC/QL File Transfer

What with using our PCs to download files from the internet and the widespread use of QL emulators, file transfer between the QL and other computers is a very real issue. This article deals with the use of Unzip, file transfer software, rawdisk and so on. A second article deals with using serial cable links between computers to transfer files.

New or Returning To The QL?

Returning to the QL after a period of absence, or new to the QL? Try this page. It also deals with the tricky subject of connecting a QL to modern TVs and monitors. This website also has a page with some useful articles about various QL-related subjects, and all sorts of useful documents and replacement manuals.

Also, view a Glossary of Terminology here.

Pointer Environment

Heard of pointer environment, but don't know where to start? Here's a gentle introduction to pointer environment and choosing a mouse system for QDOS systems. Read it online here, or as a PDF file (234K) or a Word document (113K).

QL Forum

QL Forum is THE forum for all QL (and compatibles) users. Keep in touch with other QL users worldwide, exchange ideas, ask for help, even an online chat facility. The QL Forum itself is at and you can see a summary of active topics in the box below if you have Javascript enabled - click on one of the links in the box to read more.
NOTE: QL Forum address due to change 22 February 2025 - see details above.


If you're on Facebook, try joining the Sinclair QL For Everyone group. It has about 1,300 members (at the time of writing) in many countries.

Important note: I've removed the Contact Form from this site. Trying to find time to reply to all the (often unnecessary) messages was just becoming impossible.

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"QL Users Do It In Black" - anon.

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The News Column

Launchpad image
Click on a picture above for more information.
For downloads, orif you already have an older copy of Launchpad and would like to update, download the zip files from the Launchpad page. The link to the downloads page is on the bottom of that page.

QL Forum Move
The QL Forum has now moved to
Per Witte's QL software website is back online, at

Rudolph Is Ill
Christmas-themed text adventure game available from Adventure games page

QaLendar 2025
QL-themed calendar for 2025 available to download from Calendar page.

Martin Head's decompiler for Turbo and Supercharge compiled programs now available on Turbo page.

QubATA V3.11
Now available on QL ROMs page.

QIMSI Gold manual and software now available from QIMSI page.

BASIC Reporter
Version 2.04 of BASIC Reporter now available from Programming page.

QStar and Pitman
New games from Andrei Tenu available to download from Games page.

Launchpad v2.14 Update
A version 2.14 update of the Launchpad program launcher is available from the Launchpad downloads page.

QLiberator v3.46
  Latest QLiberator compiler available from the QLiberator page.

New page with software for the QIMSI add-on for QL from Peter Graf

QaLendar 2024
This QL-themed 2024 calendar is now available to download from the Calendar page.

QubLink and DiReXt
New software from Alain Haoui available from Utilities and Toolkits pages respectively.

International QL Report and QL Technical Review magazines now available to read as PDF files here

Q68 Software
More software from Martin Head added to the Q68 page.

QaLendar 2023
The QL Calendar for 2023 is now available here.

MDI/FDI Drivers
Updates to the imaging drivers available from the Utilities page.

New package to view, convert and run animated GIF files on SMSQ/E systems in high colour modes plus large collection of animated GIFs available to download from the Graphics page.
QBits Software Collection
A large collection of QL software, formerly sold by QBits, available to download from the Misc programs page.

QLiberator v3.45
Further updates to the QLiberator compiler available from the QLiberator page.
MISTer Core Update
An update to the MISTer system's QL core is now available from Marcel Kilgus's website at
P.I.Cole 2
The latest in Andrei Tenu's P.I.Cole series of adventure games, available to download free from the Adventure Games page.
MDI Driver Update
A small update to Martin Head's MDI Driver software is now available here.

QL Personal Banking System
The QL Personal Banking System from Jack Gibbons is now freeware and available to download from the Business page.

vDrive Page
Created a new page for vDrive downloads and information.

vDrive Psion Programs
vDrive versions of Abacus, Archive, Easel and Quill v2.35 added to Psion Programs page.

SMSQ/E Guide v1.06
The SMSQ/E manual is now available to read online or download in various formats from the eBooks page

Stiqqies v1.03
A new version of the Stiqqies sticky note software now available from Misc page.

Facebook QL Page
I've started a QL page on Facebook - go to

New Q68 Page
A new page with manuals and software downloads specifically for the new Q68 Sinclair QL successor motherboard.

Tetroid Interfaces
Russian QL hardware developer Tetroid has released several QL interfaces and is working on more. For example, a Trump Card compatible interface with or without a Qubide and Compact Flash card system, and the latest a Gold Card clone and now a multi-ROM board. Produced in small batches, they are available via
Q68 Announced
A brand new FPGA-based QL derivative board announced, with anticipated availability mid-October. Designed by the designer of the Q40 and Q60, Peter Graf. Initial information and pictures here.

Q-Dock & Launchpad now Freeware
The Q-Dock program dock software for Window Manager 2 systems has now been made freeware. Download it here. Launchpad versions 1 and 2 also made freeware and may be downloaded here.

QLiberator logo
Liberation Software's compilers and QLoad/QRef now available to download here.

uQLx 2017
Brand new 2017 release of the uQLx emulator for 32- and 64-bit x86 and ARM (6/7/8) platforms - see Emulators page

BMP Graphics
Brand new v1.03 update of the BMP graphics viewer and conversion program available from Graphics page.
New QubATA Driver For QUBIDE
Alain Haoui has released the new QubATA driver for QUBIDE cards, fitted with the newer v2 GAL chip upgrade. Many new and enhanced commands, supports up to 2GB and supports AUDIO CD playing via CD-ROM! Version also available for Q40/Q60. Further details - see QL ROMs page.