Ian Burkinshaw Hardware Documents
Hardware Projects Page
What follows are hardware based projects written by Ian Burkinshaw for
QL Today over the last 5 years. Ian limits himself mainly to projects
that use either the SER ports or PAR ports. So his projects can be used
with both Black Box QL's and emulators. In the case of emulators USB
ports are used in SER mode. So standard USB to RS232 converters are
used. In the case of PIC Microcontroller projects either RS232 or USB
simulating a RS232 port is used. By not delving inside the QL itself,
there is less risk of damage to QL hardware. However this is all done
at your own risk. There has been some editing and corrections made to
these articles, in some cases to just update things. Nothing major, so
the articles are pretty much as they were printed originally. Project
and articles will be added over time. These will all be new and will
not have appeared in print before. So do keep an eye out for new
Improving QL
Emulation I/O
Improving QL Emulation I/O
Originally Published in QL Today Vol 12, Issue 3
This project is based on a Everyday Practical Electronics project,
providing 8 GPIO inputs and 8 GPIO outputs with a temperature and light
sensor (LDR)

Serial IO
Controller.pdf (219K)
SuperBasic Listing for this project.
Improving QL Emulation
I/O, Oscilloscope
Originally Published in QL Today Vol 14, Issue 4
This project is based on a Everyday Practical Electronics project,
providing an A/D (analogue to digital Converter)
Oscilloscope.pdf (94K)
SuperBasic Listing for this project.
GPS Projects

GPS Program Development
and Experience
Originally Published in QL Today Vol 13, Issue 1
Based on articles from Hugh Rooms, Ian Burkinshaw's development and
experience of this original work.
GPS Program
Development.pdf (907K)
SuperBasic Listing for this project.
GPS_Prog (48K)
Simple GPS Receiver
Originally Published in QL Today Vol 14, Issue 1
A low cost GPS receiver solution.
Simple GPS
Receiver.pdf (64K)
RS232 Monitor
Originally Published in QL Today Vol 15, Issue 2

This project is designed to monitor RS232 data streams to and from
RS232 devices. Used to investigate RS232 protocols.
RS232 Monitor.pdf
SuperBasic Listing for this project.
RS232Monitor_bas (3K)
I2C Series

I2C Interface for QL
Emulators, Part 1
Originally Published in QL Today Vol 15, Issue 4
Introduction to I2C and a simple parallel port
Interface for QL-Emulators part 1.pdf (268K)
SuperBasic Listing for this project.
I2C Interface for QL
Emulators, Part 2
Originally Published in QL Today Vol 16, Issue 1
A/D (analogue to digital) and D/A (digital to analogue) port. Also I2C
real time clock.
Interface for QL-Emulators part 2.pdf (283K)
SuperBasic Listing for this project.
anatest_bas (3K)
rtctest_bas (7K)
I2C Interface for QL
Emulators, Part 3
Originally Published in QL Today Vol 16, Issue 2
I2C Ram and Potentiometer devices.
Interface for QL-Emulators part 3.pdf (76K)
SuperBasic Listings for this project.
digpottest1_bas (4K)
ramtest2_bas (4K)
I2C Interface for QL
Emulators, Part 4
Originally Published in QL Today Vol 16, Issue 3
LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)

I2C Interface for QL-Emulators part 4.pdf (936K)
SuperBasic Listing for this project.
LCDtest2_bas (4K)
I2C Interface for QL
Emulators, Part 5
Originally Published in QL Today Vol 17, Issue 1
Update of the By-Vac Usb to I2C product.

Interface for QL-Emulators part 5.pdf (636K)
SuperBasic Listing for this project.
I2C Interface for QL
Emulators, Part 6
Originally Published in QL Today Vol 17, Issue 2
Using the MCP23017 Parallel I2C device.
Interface for QL-Emulators part 6.pdf (681K)
I2C Interface for QL
Emulators, Part 7
Originally Published in QL Today Vol 157 Issue
RS232 to I2C
Interface for QL-Emulators part 7.pdf (517K)
I2C Interface for QL
Emulators, Part 8
Not Published before
How to drive keyboard arrays, uses the ICF2001 radio as an example.

to file I2C Interface for QL-Emulators part 8.pdf (1429K)
I2C Interface for QL
Emulators, Part 9
To come, in preparation
Using Parallel Printer Port
How to use the PAR port other than for printers.
Using the Parallel
Printer port.pdf (107K)
SuperBasic Listings for this project.
PS2 Mouse to Games Port
This is a review of a project from Italy

of PS2 Mouse to Games Port Converter.pdf (885K)
PIC Firmware
Running Servos
Driving up to 8 radio control type servos from a serial port

Servo RS232.pdf (398K)
SuperBasic Listings for this project.
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