Emulators |
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QLay | QLay2 | QL2K | QPC1 | QPC2 | Q-emuLator | QDOS4Amiga | QDOS Classic Amiga | QLem Atari | SMSQmulator | MESS | MIST/MISTer | uQLx | QDOS Classic Q40
An extensive collection of QL emulators running on various
platforms including Amiga, Atari, DOS, Linux/Unix, Mac and Windows.
Where the emulator is still well supported, perhaps updated quite
often, I've linked to the relevant website rather than include the
package for download here, to help make sure you get the latest
version. In any case, I've tried to provide web page addresses for
information and general support even where I've placed the archive on
this page. Some emulators can use floppy disc images, but not all can
create them, so for convenience I've added sample blank DD and HD disk
images to the Misc stuff page.
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QLay is a set of QDOS QL emulators for DOS, Windows and Linux by Jan Venema of The Netherlands. This is a freely distributable emulator with no restrictions. You can download the most recent versions from Jan's Web site: http://web.inter.nl.net/hcc/A.Jaw.Venema |
QLATter (39K) - Al Feng's utility for QLay users. Provides a simple to use file handling front end.
QLAY2 is a
development of QLay to run on Windows 2000/Windows XP systems (also
seems to work on Windows 98 SE). The update is by Jimmy Montesinos. The
support website for QLAY2 is at http://www.jadiam.org/QL/QLay2/
In case of difficulty, the QLay2 files are available to
download below, along with the QLTools and QLAYT tools for file
QLAY2.zip (181K) - Binaries only, with a readme.txt, ROM images, and sample MDV and WIN.
QLAY2-Full.zip (1.6MB) - Binaries, docs and full source code, organised in a Visual Studio 6.0
Workspace, to make it easy to work with. This package is a superset of
the QLAY2.zip archive.
You will also find the contents of qltoolsq.zip (90K) and qlayt.zip (54K) useful if you wish to transfer files to QLAY2 from a real QL or another emulator. These are command-line utilities developed for use with earlier versions of QLAY, but they are also applicable to QLAY2.
QL2K is a further development
of QLay, also for Windows 2000/XP systems, by Jimmy Montesinos. The
support and download site for QL2K is at http://www.jadiam.org/QL/.
QL2K is registerware - it is free to download and use, but you need to
register the emulator (free of charge) with the author.
case of difficulty, the emulator download files are here, though you
should check the author's website for the latest versions and
information. The downloads are cumulative updates - you should install
the version 0.1 build 96a first, then apply updates successively, as
each update contains only the new executables.
QL2K Setup version 0.1 build
096a (October 2005) (468K)
QL2K 0.1 build 098a
- patch for above version (181K)
QL2K 0.1 build 0100 -
adds sound and flash support (187K)
QL2K 0.1 build 0101
- Vista 32 bits edition, a corrected version of QLAYT program is
included (346K)
QL2K 0.1 build 0101
- Vista 64 bits edition, a corrected version of QLAYT program is
included (462K)
Quill-View 0.5 Beta 1 - A Quill doc file viewer for Windows, QDOS, Linux Debian, FC3 and Ubuntu. (Mikael Strom) (390K)
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QPC1 is a QL emulator using SMSQ/E running in DOS. Internet address listed under QPC2 below. QPC1 is a QL emulator using SMSQ/E running on DOS/older Windows machines. It needs a minimum of a 486 processor. Instructions document (plain text) in the zip file, or PDF file below. Download
QPC1 v1.52 - if you need a DOS version! (zip file) (196K) Marcel Kilgus has created a "live" version of
QPC1, which is run in a DOSBox in a browser. Includes some software in
a sample QXL.WIN demo file. When it starts, press a key to start the
emulation, or ESC to get the main pointer back. QPC1 has several
startup options which can be passed in the command line - see the QPC1
manual for details. |
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News: as of 2014, QPC2 full version is now freely available to download! QPC2 is a QL emulator, based upon the SMSQ/E variant of the QL operating system. Since version 4 appeared on the cover CD of the last issue of QL Today, QPC2 has now been made freely available to download. QPC2 runs in Windows, and features standard QL video modes plus high resolution and higher colour modes (8-bit colour like the Aurora card and 16-bit colour). Mass storage is via the QXL.WIN filing system as also used by QXL, uQLx and QemuLator, for example, and there is also support for reading and writing QL format floppy disks and reading raw images of QL disks, plus a DOS device to read and write form/to Windows hard disk. There's a TCP/IP access system for web access and email using programs like Lynx, QPOP3 etc from Jonathan Hudson. Also, a sound driver based on the QLSSS (QL Sampled Sound System). QPC2 is a very fast emulator, which uses SBASIC, which is SuperBASIC compatible (only much faster!) and can be set to use very large RAM memory. Includes a sample QPCdemo.win file containing some useful free software. Download QPC2 from Marcel Kilgus's website. Probably better to download it direct from Marcel's page, where you can always get the latest version, at https://www.kilgus.net/qpc/downloads/ QPC2
for Mac OSX |
See also the author's web site at http://www.kilgus.net
QemuLator Lite for Apple
Macintosh is written by Daniele Terdina and is Shareware. There are
versions for 68K Macs and for PowerMacs. Further details from the
author's Web site at: http://www.terdina.net/ql/MacQL.html
QemuLator is now available for the Mac OSX
operating system. Features include: QL 68008 processor emulation,
keyboard, display (512x256x4, 256x256x8), interrupts, file system
(access to Mac files, QDOS floppy disks, QXL.WIN files, .ZIP and .QLPAK
packages, microdrive and floppy images), sound, built-in ram disk,
mouse support, partial Gold Card emulation (to allow SMSQ/E to run).
System requirements: Mac with an Intel processor and OS X version 10.5
or later. If you have a PPC Mac and OS X 10.4 or earlier, you may still
be able to run the old version for 68k Macs. Further details and
shareware download from the author's website at http://www.terdina.net/ql/MacQL.html
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QemuLator for Windows is also written by Daniele Terdina and is Shareware (registration of about 46 dollars at the time of writing). Further details from the author's Web site at:www.terdina.net/ql/q-emulator.html. This emulator can emulate a standard QL, a Gold Card QL, or even a fast QL system with up to 16MB of RAM! It can run some versions of SMSQ/E or use QDOS ROM images (including Minerva), can access QXL.WIN or native file systems and has a built in TCP/IP system, so that you can use email and web browser programs such as those from Jonathan Hudson. The latest versions of QemuLator can also emulate Aurora 256 colour with Aurora/Gold Card version of SMSQ/E and Q60 16-bit colour displays if you write direct access code, extract QL program files from .zip files downladed from the internet (no more loss of QL program file headers!) amd even self-contained QLPAK software archives. The emulation of QL speed is now more precise. Built in dot-matrix printer emulation means you can print to more types of printers. Support for QL Sampled Sound System and smoother graphics thanks to pixel interpolating. |
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QDOS4Amiga is a QDOS emulator for
the Commodore Amiga, by Rainer Kowallik and Mark Swift. It is freeware.
Up to date copies may be obtained from most Ami-Net sites. See the README1.TXT file first |
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Classic for Amiga is a QL emulator for the Commodore Amiga
by Mark Swift. QDOS Classic for Amiga is closely related to QDOS
Classic for Q40 by the same author. Freeware. QDOS Classic is also
available below for Q40/Q60. QL
Kick ROM for UAE
- UAE is a computer emulator which emulates the hardware of the
Commodore Amiga range of computers. Released under the GNU General
Public License, UAE is free software. UAE nowadays stands for
Ubiquitous Amiga Emulator or Universal Amiga Emulator, since it is
available for Windows, Mac, Linux and other platforms. QDOS
Classic runs on Q40, Amiga and now UAE via this Kick ROM. Note you
don't need an Amiga Kick ROM to boot UAE as a QL. QL disks images have
to be saved as RAW MFM in order to be accessable by UAE. RAW
QDOS Disk Images QDOS
support disk for QDOS Classic v3.25
- A set of utilities, some for use with QDOS Classic Amiga, some with
QDOS Classic Q40. Includes for Q40: the Q40 SoftROM toolkit, current
QDOS Classic ROM for Q40, Q40 Utility ROM that shipped with early Q40s
and a simple demo of hi-res screen modes on Q40. For Amiga: Example fo
how to use the Amiga blitter in QDOS, a hack to play audio CD tracks
from an Amiga SCSI drive, an Amiga palette editor for QDOS and a patch
over TAS instructions with Amiga-friendly code. Plus some program
patches and miscellaneous QDOS programs - see the list in the Readme
text file below.
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QLem is an
emulator for certain Atari ST machines, by Johan Klockars. Freeware.
Details from the Ancient File Library at http://www.devili.iki.fi/pub/emulators/Sinclair/QL/.
May be downloaded here as ZIP or LHA files: |
QL2ST v3.0 is an
associated QL disk transfer utility for use with QLem. QL2ST has two
functions - initialise disks in the Sinclair QL format and convert
files from a QL format disk to a TOS file system.
ql2st.zip - download QL2ST
as zipped file (14K)
ql2st.lzh - download QL2ST
as LHA file (14K)
TOSforQL is an emulator
that allows certain programs written to run under TOS on the Atari ST
to be run under QDOS. The emulator works by intercepting calls to the
TOS operating system and mapping them onto the equivalent QDOS
operating system calls.
tosforql.zip - download
TOSforQL as zipped file (68K)
tosforql.lzh - download
TOSforQL as LHA file (67K)
- ST/QL Emulator Load Program v1.7 The QDOS_IPL software is a
replacement for the normal load programs that have been provided with
the Atari ST QL Emulators. The impetus for its development was the
needs of hard disk users. The aim was to minimise (ideally eliminate)
the need to use a floppy disk during the process of loading the QL
emulator. (D.J.Walker) (13K)
the SMSQ/E machine emulator under Java was launched in January 2013.
You can use this on pretty much any system that runs the Java 6 or 7
language, including Windows, Mac OSX and Linux. It is not a QL
emulator, strictly speaking, it is an MC68000 emulator which allows you
to run programs which work with SMSQ/E. Programs which rely on strictly
QL features such as fixed address system variables or
screen locations may not work. Programs which rely on later
processors such as 68020, 68040, or 68060 (e.g. programs written
specifically for Q40 or Q60) may also not work on it. That said, this
emulator is free and the sources for it are available.
Running SMSQmulator is easy if you have Java installed on your system - just place all the files in a directory on your hard disk and run (e.g. double click in Windows) the "SMSQmulator.jar" file. It comes with a good PDF file manual and supports floppy disk image reading, QXL.WIN, Native File Access (NFA) drives, and SMSQ File Access (SFA). Sound output is supported both via the usual BEEP command plus the Sampled Sound System (QLSSS) within limitations of the Java sound drivers.
Download SMSQmulator from author Wolfgang
Lenerz's website at:
is a derivative of the emulation engine used in QemuLator. uQLx is
produced by Richard Zidlicky to run on Linux/Unix platforms. The
original uQLx site
at http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Bay/2602/
no longer seems to be available, but various downloads, source files,
documentation etc are available from the following links until I can
determine a "definitive" site for uQLx:
- old uQLx page
- Linux-Q40 page, includes uQLx
- uQLx page on Google Code
- uQLx-RPM packages, on H.P.Recktenwald QL site
- Richard Zidlicky uQLx page
A slightly more recent version of the emulator binaries is available here (courtesy of Urs König), although uQLx author Richard Zidlicky has hinted that he may produce an updated uQLx this year, so this version may be temporary. Download uQLx binaries (332K)
uQLx 2017
recent version of uQLx that has been ported to 64-bit Linux and ARM by
Graeme Gregory, with additional documentation by Timothy Swenson. This
is a binary distribution with 32- and 64-bit x86 and ARM (6,7,8)
binaries ready to run. Includes documentation to get you started along
with a small QXL.WIN file. The sources are available from the QL github
at https://github.com/SinclairQL/uqlx-fork.
I recommend you download the sources from the github link, to ensure
you have the latest versions, although a master zip file of the sources
is also available below.
Download uQLx 2017 binaries
Download uQLx 2017 sources
I'm told that one file seems to be missing from the uQLx 2017 sources, a file called uqlx.html (91K) - I've added it here as a separate file as I'm not familiar with uQLx and afraid of "breaking" the original sources archive.
During discussion of uQLx on QL Forum in mid 2018 it became obvious that there was an issue with the "tcp" device, in that the device name has been built as "*tcp" instead of "tcp", causing issues for QDOS/SMS software which accesses the device. Timothy Swenson has produced fixed 32-bit and 64-bit binaries and a README file - uqlx2018a.zip (1052K) [29/10/18]
win-uQLx is
a port of uQLx to Windows systems by Peter Graf and Phoebus R. Dokos.
Download it here.
(267KB). Alternatively, here is the original 7-zip version from
Phoebus, which you can download here
You will need the Cygwin distribution (provides a Linux-like environment for Windows) to be able to run this emulator on Windows - get the required files from http://www.cygwin.com/
uQLx for Mac
OS X is a port by James Weatherley of uQLx to run on the Apple Mac OS X
operating system.Download it here.
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QDOS Classic for Q40/Q60 may be downloaded from my Q40 page, or from the official Q40 website at www.q40.de. QDOS classic, as the name implies, is an implementation of the traditional QL QDOS operating system rather than the SMSQ/E operating system. There's also a version of Linux for Q40 and Q60 - click on the link above to Claus Graf's Q40 website for further details. |