QL Web Pages

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Last updated:10/01/25

The QL has acquired a number of Web sites devoted to our favourite little computer. Click the links below to visit a selection of QL related Web sites. Please let me know if you are aware of any extra QL-related sites, or if any of the links don't work, or if you are the owner of a QL-related website which has moved address, by sending me an email or via the message form on the home page).

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General QL-Related Web Sites

https://adventure.if-legends.org/machines/Sinclair_QL.html Adventureland: Sinclair QL
https://www.alibris.co.uk/search/books/subject/Sinclair QL Computer Alibris books site. Search for QL books
http://www.devili.iki.fi/pub/emulators/Sinclair/QL/ Ancient File Library: QLem emulator and QL2ST utility
https://www.binarydinosaurs.co.uk/Museum/Sinclair/ql/ Binary Dinosaurs pages.
https://home.hccnet.nl/b.spelten/ql/ Bob Spelten: QL software from Bob Spelten and Wolfgang Uhlig
https://www.computinghistory.org.uk/ Centre For Computing History
http://www.q40.de Claus Graf's Q40 site, Germany
http://www.terdina.net/ql/q-emulator.html Daniele Terdina - QemuLator - Sinclair QL emulator for Windows and Mac
DataServe Retro - spare parts.
http://davidbuckley.net/DB/Zero2/Zero2.htm David Buckley guide to using Zero2 robot with QL and PC
https://dilwyn.theqlforum.com/index.html Dilwyn Jones: my main QL information and software download site for QL & compatible systems
Dr Jim Waterman's QL Type-Ins Archive on the Spectribution website.
http://www.easy68k.com Easy68K, a 68000 integrated development environment for Windows, including Editor, Assembler and Simulator. Note: NOT a QL emulator system, although you can use it to assemble and test 68000 code from Windows.
https://www.8bit-wiki.de/ 8bit Wiki, includes Sinclair QL (German site)
http://www.sinclairql.it/ Ergon Development (Davide Santachiara): Some of Ergon's formerly commercial software is now Freeware.
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sinclair-QL/32408594350 QL on Facebook
http://sinclairql.emuunlim.com/ Franz Krojer, Germany. Peta's QL Support Page, also accessible via http://www.sinclairql.de
http://www.gwicks.net/justwords.htm Geoff Wicks (Just Words) software to download, help and advice pages.
http://gwiltprogs.info/ George Gwilt: Latest versions of George's programs (see also John Sadler's SQLUG website link below)
Gerry Jackson's github site - sources for QL SuperForth and QL Reversi
https://github.com/SinclairQL/Github - Sinclair QL repository
https://www.xora.org.uk/2014/04/24/sinclair-ql/ Graeme Gregory's QL software site
https://github.com/slimlogic/qubide-tools Graeme Gregory's Qubide Tools Repository on GitHub
https://phpr.tripod.com/index-ql.html Hans-Peter Recktenwald's QL site, including a lot of downloadable software
http://hes_computing.tripod.com/ql.html Hes Computing - some QL information

https://omega.webnode.com/ Jan Polenicek website
https://sinclairql.speccy.org/ Javier Guerra-Recursos en Castellano (Spanish QL Resources) page
https://www.speccy.org/sinclairql/archivo/docs/docs.htm Javier Guerra's QL documents repository.
https://sinclairql.es Javier Guerra's Spanish QL site
http://jgrimbert.free.fr/ Jérôme Grimbert's site
https://www.jadiam.org/QL/index.php Jimmy Montesinos - QL2K emulator site.
https://www.jadiam.org/QL/QLAY2/ Jimmy Montesinos - QLAY2 Emulator site, including documentation by Simon Goodwin
https://members.tripod.com/hes_computing/hes1.html John Rish, Home Electronics Service, USA QL dealer
http://www.daria.co.uk/qdos/ Jonathan Hudson's QL pages, lots of QDOS software!
https://www.uvlist.net/game-167997-Cool+Man Linus Torvalds: A game by Linus for the QL, is it possible?
https://linux-q40.sourceforge.net/ Linux-Q40 pages on Sourceforge. Includes uQLx downloads
https://www.kilgus.net Marcel Kilgus support site for QPC2 etc, plus some software to download.
http://programandala.net/ Marcos Cruz 'Programandala' website
https://itu.se/datorer/ql.html Michael Cronsten's QL page
QL_MISTer page on Github.
https://microhobby.speccy.cz/150504/scannerwebs/QLWorld/qlworld.htm QL World pages scanned by Radastan, JJ Ruiz and Drach.
https://sourceforge.net/projects/qxlwin/Norman Dunbar QxlWin project page on Sourceforge
https://www.theoldcomputer.com/roms/index.php?folder=Sinclair/QLThe Old Computer.com site, QL page
http://pedroreina.net/ Pedro Reina website, includes his QL software
Per Witte's QL site.
http://www.SINCLAIRQL.de Peter Jäger's QL web site, Germany
https://rk.nvg.ntnu.no/sinclair/links.htm Planet Sinclair, Norway
http://www.progs.be PROGS, van Der Auwera, Belgium - support site for ProWesS etc
https://github.com/rosco-pc/propeller-wiki/wiki/pPropQLPropeller QL boards - 68008 (pPropQL)
https://github.com/rosco-pc/propeller-wiki/wiki/pPropQL020Propeller QL boards - 68020 (pPropQL020)
https://github.com/rosco-pc/propeller-wiki/wiki/pProp040Propeller QL boards - 68040 (pProp040)
http://web.inter.nl.net/hcc/A.Jaw.Venema QLAY: Jan Venema's QLay QL emulator site.
QL-Demo - a programming project for the Sinclair QL, by Antti Silvast and Markku Reunanen. The second link is to the VASM 68k Assembler compiler used.
https://www.qlis30.org.uk/ "QLis30.org.uk" - The official website for the 30th Anniversary of the Sinclair QL Professional Computer
http://lists.q-v-d.com/listinfo.cgi/ql-users-q-v-d.com Quo Vadis Design (Bruce Nicholls)'s page about the QL email mailing list
https://www.mutant-caterpillar.co.uk/shop/index.php QL repairs.
QL to SCART Cable QL Scart Video: Page about making a QL video socket to Scart lead.
https://www.qreino.es/ QReino: Spanish site of José Antonio Fernández Seguido
https://www.quanta.org.uk Quanta - QL user group.
http://www.hunggartorino.it/ql/Quantum Technology (Italy)
Qubide clone-English page
Qubide clone-Spanish page
https://hardware.speccy.org/temp/qubide/documentos/software.zipQubide-Habi's "Image Editor" Windows software for Qubide file transfer
https://qlwiki.theqlforum.comThe QL Wiki pages - a community resource with all sorts of information about the QL.
http://www.retroisle.com/sinclair/ql/general.php Retro-Isle QL page
Richard Zidlicky (and others) - uQLx emulator, QL Socket, etc
https://www.theproductdesigners.com/ Rick Dickinson, Senior Product Designer for Sinclair in the 1980s, pictures of some of his designs.
https://www.rwapsoftware.co.uk RWAP Software (Rich Mellor) pages.

http://www.sectorsoftware.co.uk/ql.htm Sector Software (David Batty) website, QL page
https://www.sellmyretro.com/ Sell-My-Retro is RWAP Services retro-computer auction site (includes QL of course)
Simon Greenaway's QL repository on GitHub
http://simon.mooli.org.uk/QL/ Simon N. Goodwin page, with links to articles and software by Simon.
https://www.sinclairql.net/ sinclairql.net - The official repository related to the Sinclair QL Professional Computer and its derivates.
https://sinclairql.wordpress.com/Sinclair QL Italian preservation project
https://www.sepionet.es/sinclairql/ Spanish QL website (author unknown)
Spectrum Computing site - includes some QL information.
Graeme Gregory's sQLux emulator site
http://schombi.de/ Stefan Schomburg's schombi.de retro computers site (including QL)
https://superbasic-manual.readthedocs.io/en/latest/SBASIC/SuperBASIC Reference Manual online.
http://www.firshman.co.uk TF Services site, information about Q40, Minerva, Hermes, QL repairs etc.
Thierry Godefroy's website, in English and French. One of the best QL web sites! Lots of QL software to download.
The Type Fantastic - Jim Grimwood's magazine type-in program listings archive.
https://www.uknet.com/gallery/Museum/082_Sinclair_QL UKNet - gallery of QL and other retro computers pictures
https://www.sinclairql.net/ Urs König, Switzerland. A former QL trader (COWO Electronic)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinclair_QL Wikipedia: QL pages in English
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinclair_QL Wikipedia: QL pages in German
https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinclair_QL Wikipedia: QL pages in Spanish
https://www.wlenerz.com/smsqe Wolfgang Lenerz's SMSQ/E Registrar pages, with SMSQ/E version numbers, changes lists, sources, etc
https://www.wlenerz.com/qlstuff/ Wolfgang Lenerz's QL software downloads page
https://www.wlenerz.com/smsqmulator Wolfgang Lenerz's SMSQmulator for Java
Yeggi search engine for 3D printable models, includes some QL spare parts.


ZXsimulator - A ZX81 emulator running in a "QL" in a browser!

FTP, Forums And News/Discussion Sites

https://www.qlforum.co.uk QL Forum, operated by Peter Scott
https://groups.google.es/group/comp.sys.sinclair/topics Comp.sys.sinclair on Spanish google discussion group
German QL forum
Spanish QL Forum (Javier Guerra)
http://telnetbbsguide.com/bbs/sinclair-retro-bbs/Sinclair retro BBS in Italy - the link is http, but it is better reached via Telnet and Tera Term application.
https://www.facebook.com/Sinclair-QL-32408594350/RWAP Software's QL page on Facebook
https://www.facebook.com/groups/257954401019500/?fref=tsSinclair QL Brasil on Facebook
https://www.facebook.com/quanta.tinkers?fref=tsQuanta tinkers on Facebook
https://www.facebook.com/groups/sinclaircollection/?fref=tsSinclair Computer Collection (ZX80, ZX81, Spectrum, QL, C5, Wtches, ...)
https://www.facebook.com/groups/sinclairpreservation/Sinclair Software Preservation group on Facebook
https://www.facebook.com/groups/30699392074/"Sinclair QL For Everyone" group on Facebook (formerly "I Got A Sinclair QL" group)
https://www.facebook.com/SinclairQLItalia/Sinclair QL Italian community on Facebook
https://www.facebook.com/djsinclairql/DJ's Sinclair QL Page on Facebook (Dilwyn Jones)

QL Blogs

https://qemulator.blogspot.co.uk/ Daniele Terdina's Q-emuLator blog.
https://www.dilwyn2.wordpress.com Dilwyn Jones (that's me!) QL blog.
http://backtotheql.blogspot.com/ The late Lee Privett's QL blog
https://www.kilgus.net/blog/Marcel Kilgus blog
http://oldmachinery.blogspot.co.uk/search/label/ql Old Machinery blog, QL entries,  by Tero Heikkinen
https://www.qlheaven.blogspot.de/ QL Heaven blog
https://sinclairqles.wordpress.com QBlog - a Spanish QL blog.
https://sinclairql.wordpress.com/Simone Voltolini. Sinclair QL: the Italian preservation pages.

Please also take a look at my QL Email Mailing list page. The mailing list is a type of newsgroup-by-email, a source of useful QL discussions and information. The page includes information about how to subscribe to this QL mailing list.

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