
Last Updated: 29/09/19
This page is dedicated to the vDrive add-on for the QL. The
hardware was designed by Charles Ingley and available from https://vdrivezx.com/vdriveql/
. Firmware update downloads and installation manual, and user manual
available from that site too. Plus, there is a version of vDrive for
the ZX Spectrum too. Available via http://www.sellmyretro.com
and via https://www.tindie.com/stores/CharlieIngley/
If anyone would like to make available any more software,
documentation, or articles about this interface, please email it to me.
Copies of the Psion
software (Abacus, Archive, Easel, Quill) for QL packaged
up for use as vDrive MDV images are available from the Psion software page on
this site.
The following MDV images (note: these are NOT zipped) were prepared by
Andrei Tenu. The originals are on the Games
page on this site.
Assault.MDV - Assault and
Battery game (171K)
Cavern.mdv - QL Cavern game
MCosmic.MDV - M-Cosmic
game (171K)
MCrunch.MDV - M-Crunch
game (171K)
Metropol.MDV - Metropolis
game (171K)
MTreasur.MDV - M-Treasure
game (171K)
Qbert.MDV - Q-Bert game
QLGames.mdv - QL Games
Cartridge (171K)
Speed.MDV - Speedfreaks game
Spook.MDV - Spook game (171K)
Or if you prefer download all 10 games as one zipped file here. (236K)
Some more games prepared as MDV images for vDrive by Neal Card. The originals are on the Games
page on this site.
3DOXO.MDV - 3D Noughts And Crosses (171K)
ATTACK.MDV - Attack Of The Things (171K)
BUGSBOMB.MDV - Bugs and Bombs (171K)
CHESS.MDV - Psion Chess (171K)
FROGGY.MDV - Froggy (171K)
GUNNER.MDV - Gunner (171K)
PACMAN.MDV - Pacman (171K)
PALADIN.MDV - Paladin (171K)
PUDGE.MDV - Pudge. Note: Neal says must unload vdrive tools first for this to work. (171K)
QBALL.MDV - QBall (171K)
Qbert2.MDV - Another Q-Bert (171K)
QGAMES.MDV - QGames pack of games, includes Darts. (171K)
SPACEINV.MDV - Space Invaders (171K)
SPACEPOD.MDV - Space Pods (171K)
SPACERAI.MDV - Space Raid (171K)
STARBURS.MDV - Star Burst (171K)
STARPORT.MDV - Starport (171K)
WIPEOUT.MDV - Wipeout (171K)
ZAPMAN.MDV - Zapman (171K)
Neal's collection can also be downloaded as a single zipped file with all 19 MDV images included. Click here. (351K)
Stewart has let me know that the ".MDV" files may also be used with
emulators which support the ".MDV" format (QLay and Q-Emulator). He
says that with the MDI software from Martin Head, the ".MDV" files can
be converted to MDI format to use on systems such as Q68 with a
CONVERT2_MDI command from the MDI software (available from my Utility Software page). In fact, Derek has kindly supplied zip files of ready-converted MDI images:
Freeware vDrive Images MDI.zip - MDI image versions of Andrei Tenu's collection. (213K)
Freeware vDrive Images2 MDI.zip - MDI image versions of Neal Card's collection. (326K)
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