Articles |
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Last Updated: 07.01.2025
Useful articles about the QL, programming information and so on.
Annotating Diagrams
(25K) - How to use the extended CURSOR command to fine position text
onto diagrams and graphics (David Denham).
Ascii Codes (4K) - Ascii
codes list and BASIC program to display character set.
- (9K) Short PDF article documenting how to calculate frequencies and
durations for the BEEP command and the relationships to real musical
notes. Also available as a Word .doc file
Bits and Bytes (5K) -
article by David Denham explaining some of the terminology we encounter
with computers.
Browser 2 (11K) - The
missing last installment of the File Browser article from the last QL
World. This is the 'lost' final part of the QL World browser program,
with file copy, move and delete operations implemented as promised in
the last issue of the magazine, printed in April 1994. The accompanying
article was either never written or only in draft - it's not on the
disc, though there was a paragraph about toolkit dependencies which are
noted anyway in the listing.
Catdoc - (2K) Article by Tim Swenson about the
Catdoc program, which converts Word .doc files to plain text files on
the QL. Catdoc is a Unix
program, ported to QL by Jonathan Hudson.
Clocking In (33K) -
Articles from QL Today about the QL clock, time calculation, calendars
etc - now updated to include parts 4 and 5 of the series.
Config (47K) - An article
from QL Today about use of the Config and MenuConfig programs.
Crossword (2K) - Article about Tim Swenson's
Crossword utility for QL.
DEV (5K) - using the DEV
Directories - (21K)
two articles by David Denham, originally published in QL Today
magazine, about the use of directories on the QL. Directs_doc is the
earlier article, from Vol. 12, while directrs_doc and the two BASIC
listings are from Vol. 17
Alternatively, here's a PDF prepared by
Peter Scott. (218K)
Directory Name Functions
(8K) - Article with BASIC routines for directory name handling.
Display Code article(36K)
- Machine code extensions with source code showing how to access system
display and information functions.
DIY Bugs (49K) - DIY Bugs
article, from Simon Goodwin. Looks at common programming mistakes.
Do (8K) - Article about using
the DO command to process files of BASIC commands as though they were
batch files.
Electronic Publishing
(7K) - article by Tim Swenson on the subject of electronic publishing.
Includes a comparison of the merits of various file formats available
to the QL user.
File Information Functions
(8K) - Use of the file information function extensions of Toolkit 2
Filters (8K) - An article
about writing filter programs for use with EX commands. Example C and
BASIC listings included. (Norman Dunbar)
Fun With Fonts (79K) - An
article from QL Today about using fonts, and some special programs for
spinning text, enlarged text, angled text, proportional spacing, shadow
effects, outline effects and so on.
HERMES.pdf (6K) - Short article reproduced
from ql-users list, about distinguishing in software between Hermes and
SuperHermes add-ons.
Home thing (7K) - Article
about the Home Directory thing by Wolfgang Lenerz
HTML (2K) - Short article by Tim Swenson about
use of HTML and QMosaic browser on QL
HTML Machine (3K) - Article from Tim Swenson
about Roy Wood's HTML Machine
software for the QL, which helps you to create HTML pages in a plain
text editor.
Infocom/Inform Text Adventures on QL (4K) -
Article from TIm Swenson about using these adventure game formats on
the QL.
Internet File Formats (7K) - Article from Tim
Swenson about various internet file formats you may come across.
Joysticks (1K) - how to
use an Atari style joystick with the QL.
Machine Type (8KB) -
Article from QL Today Vol 6 Issue 5 about identifying machine/processor
type from SBASIC
Machine Type Q-emuLator.
(2K) Notes describing a trap call which identifies and returns
information about Q-emuLator
MetaDrivers (14K) -
Article by Nasta about Meta Drivers for the QL.
MicroEMACS (7K) - Article by Tim Swenson about
the MicroEMACS v4.00 editor
for the QL.
Month (7KB) - An article
from QL Today about month numbers in date functions and calculations
Mtools (4K) - article by Tim Swenson about the
Mtools software, a QDOS port of a
Unix tool to read, write and navigate MS-DOS disks.
Music (26K) - Article from
QL Today and short basic program to help with the setting of musical
note values for musical use of the BEEP command.
Network (33K) - Article
from QL Today about the QL network.
(14MB) - This is a scanned copy of an Open University unit from their
Design and Innovation course from 1986. It is a study on why the
marketing of the Sinclair QL failed at the time. The Open University
granted permission to publish this document online, but
alas it contains certain copyright images and diagrams, which they
insisted need to be blanked out, which has been done. Quite a large PDF
file, note the size before downloading.
Pascal On The QL
(1MB) - An unpublished article (it was intended for publication in QL
World in 1994 but the magazine closed down before it was published)
about use of the Pascal language on the QL. 92 page PDF file by A. F.
PGP (6K) - PGP, or PThe QL Pretty Good Privacy, is a public key encryption
program. In this article Tim Swenson discusses the QL version of PGP, ported by Jonathan
Pointer Environment (326K) - An introduction
by Ian Bruntlett.
Printer.dat Information
(4K) - Quill printer driver file format explained
Print_Using (5K) - An
article about using the PRINT_USING command in Toolkit 2
Q40 cd (11K) - An article by
Tim Swenson about using CD-ROMs on a Q40 using the Atapi-IDE software
Q40 Sound (4K) - Article
by Tim Swenson about sound on the Q40 and using the SOX program to
convert audio files for use with the Q40's QSPlayer program.
Qascade - (3K) A review from Tim Swenson of
this Start menu style program by Jonathan Hudson
QCat (67K) - An article by
Simon Goodwin about how he wrote a program to use the Radio Shack
CueCat barcode scannernon QDOS-compatible systems. The CueCat scanner
daisy-chains onto an IBM standard PS/2 keyboard port.
QemuLator and SMSQ-E (331K) - getting SMSQ/E to run on QemuLator. PDF file.
QL and the Internet (5K) - early article from
Tim Swenson about the various type of internet services and how the QL
might access some of them.
QL Midi (9K) - 3 articles
about the QL Midi Player
system, by Al Boehm
QL Service List (53K) -
Robert Klein's QL Service List and QL FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
files. These files are a veryuseful reference source, but slightly
dated by now.
QLay - (3K) Tim Swenson takes a look at the QLay
QL emulator.
QLcount (2K) - An article by Tim Swenson from
the late 1990s where he tries to assess the likely number of QL users
QLtools (3K) - Article byTim Swenson about
the use of the QLtools file transfer software on Windows and Linux
QMenu Guide (36K) - an
introduction to using the Menu Extension from BASIC
QPAC1 and the Extended Environment
- (11.3MB) Ian Bruntlett has kindly scanned a five page article he
wrote for QL World on the subject of the QPAC1 package and the extended
environment, including an intelligent boot program listing.
QuillRTF (2K) - A review of Pedro Reina's Quill
to RTF file converter, by Tim Swenson.
Ramdisks (3K) - what they
are and how to use them.
Ramdisks (5K) - another
article about ramdisks.
Random Access Files (13K)
- Article about using random access files on the QL. Here's a PDF version (198K). [small update 07/01/25 from Martyn Hill]
Recursion (40K) -
article from QL Today about Recursion on the QL.
Returning to
the QL An article elsewhere on this website for those
returning to the QL after a period of absence.
Scale (8K) - An article
from QL Today about SCALE graphics.
Sdump (4K) - screen dump
software built into some systems
Serial Ports (6KB) -
Article from QL Today Vol 6 Issue 6 about serial port connections
Serial Links
An article elsewhere on this website about serial links between
Solvit-Plus 3 (6K) - Review by Tim Swenson of
the Geoff Wicks word games software Solvit-Plus 3.
Sorting Routines(40KB) -
Article about the various sorting routines available (now includes
follow-up articles).
Sound (7K) - Article about
the Sampled Sound System (Per Witte) [21/06/14]
Stack (10K) - article by
Norman Dunbar in QReview about use of the Maths Stack.
Stella (147K) - documents from Tony Tebby
about his proposed Stella operating system, which never actually made
it to market despite being proposed for some systems in development at
the time. Written as a series of HTML files.
SuperHermes Lite (7K) - A review of this keyboard
interface by Tim Swenson.
System Variables(11K) -
article about QL system variables
Thierry Godefroy website
(2K) - Tim Swenson takes a look at one of the most popular QL web
resources, the website of French QL enthusiast, Thierry Godefroy.
Things article (10KB) by
Jochen Merz, from QL Today Volume 4. Consists of parts 1 to 3 as plain
text files. Alternatively, you can click
here to download them as DOC files for Quill. (13KB)
Timer article
(223K) by George Gwilt, from Quanta magazine June/July 2011. Discusses
how to set up a 1/50th second timer linked into the polled list. PDF
Toolkits (9KB) - Article
about various software toolkits available for the QL
TRA (12K) Article by Simon
Goodwin about the largely undocumented TRA command in some versions of
the QL ROM.
TTos (7MB) An article by Tony Tebby to mark 25
years of Domesdos (the earlier name for QDOS), where he takes a look at
the QL oeprating system development and comparisons with other
operating systems from before that period. The article is from QL Today
Turbo (14K) An article by
David Denham from QL Today, an introduction to the Turbo basic
compiler, which is now freely downloadable from the Scottish QL User Group
TurboPTR articles (22K) A
set of 4 articles by George Gwilt about his TurboPTR programming
utility. The articles were first published in QL Today magazine. Once
you have downloaded the file, there's a short readme file in
it which gives a short list of the articles and subects covered.
Unix-ifying QDOS (5K) - Tim Swenson looks at
some of the Unix utilities ported to QDOS and wonders how Unix-like he
could make his QL.
Viruses and the QL (2K) - The QL has a
reputation for being low-risk when it comes to computer viruses. Tim
Swenson discusses the risk.
What Hardware (3KB) - a
package by J.D.Mitchell to emulate machine type interrogation functions
using standard SuperBASIC or SBASIC, running on all platforms.
What's On The Internet For QLers - (4K)
Article from Tim Swenson discussing e-mail, usenet, ftp, web etc for QL
When Error (6K) - An
article from QL Today about the little documented WHEN ERROR and other
error trapping structures available to S*Basic programmers.
WHEN Variable (4K) - an
article from QL Today about the little used WHEN CONDITION structure
implemented in some QL ROMs.
Wildcards (4K) - A
routine showing how to use wilcard characters in your own BASIC
XMON and XTV (2K) -
Article about a couple of useful procedures called XMON and XTV, plus
the extended forms of the WTV and WMON commands.
Z88 Sourcebook Response (2K) - Tim
Swenson's response to a review of his Z88 Sourcebook in QL Today.
Zines on the QL (4K) - Tim Swenson discusses
writing a Fan-Zine for the QL. After many years of writing the
QLHackers Journal, he should know.
Zip and Unzip (2K) - a
short article from QL Today Volume 4 Issue 1 about using the Zip and
Unzip programs (note: not the same article as the three below).
Zip and Unzip pt. 1 (166KB)
- Part 1 of 2 of an article about using Zip and Unzip and front ends
for them.
Zip and Unzip pt. 2 (89KB)
- Part 2 of the Zip and Unzip articles.
Zip and Unzip (23K) - Part
3 of the Zip and Unzip articles (Note: This is a zipped Word .doc file)
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