
Last Updated: 26/11/23
This page is dedicated to the QUBIDE add-on for the QL.
QUBIDE is an IDE hard disk interface card for QL sytstems. The
hardware was originally designed by Zeljko Nastasic and brought to
market by Qubbesoft P/D, with compatible versionsof the interface,
mostly based on or developed from either the original version or Jan
Polenicek's development.
QUBIDE equivalent Compact Flash card interface has been built into the
Tetroid Disk Interface for the QL, available from SellMyRetro.com at
the time of writing (April 2018). The Tetroid Disk Interface is
equivalent to a Miracle Trump Card, with the added QUBIDE equivalent
Compact Flash card connection.
If anyone would like to make available any more software,
documentation, or articles about QL-SD, please email it to me.
Jan Polenicek's work on a new version of QUBIDE may be found here.
QUBIDE ROMs/Utilities disks
Various versions of the QUBIDE ROM and Utilities disks may be found on the QL ROMs page.
The manual for QUBIDE may be found on the Replacement Manuals page on this site.
is a complete new driver from Alain Haoui for QUBIDE cards fitted with the version 2 GAL
chip upgrade and Q40/Q60. Available on the QL ROMs page on this site.
QubLink v1.04 is a PE driven utility program by the author of QubATA
software, allowing an easy way to manage hard and soft drives linking
on different QL systems. It may be found on the Utilities page.
WinLink is a PE driven program by Graham Underwood to link/unlink Qubide partitions. It is available from the Utilities page.
José Leandro has produced a Qubide clone. He has a website about it here (Spanish) or here
Habi's Windows software "Image Editor" is available from the
same page - this allows us to handle zip, image and individual files on
a Qubide's flash memory card on a Windows PC (or Linux system with
Tutorials and files below were sourced from http://hardware.speccy.org/temp/qubide-i.html with thanks.
Installing a José Leandro QUBIDE tutorial
Read as a PDF file (512K) or Word .docx file (969K)
Habi's "Image Editor" software
software.zip - (4.1MB) This is a Windows program to handle SD, CF, HD or DOM media in QL format.
Handle img files with the Image Editor program. Read as PDF file (311K) or Word .docx file (357K).
Handle zip files with the Image Editor program. Read as PDF file (320K) or Word .docx file (370K).
Handle files with the Image Editor program. Read as PDF file (272K) or Word .docx file (300K).
Using the Image Editor from Linux (WINE) - read as PDF file (251K) or Word .docx file (385K).
Misc Documentation
QLBusExpansion.txt (1K) - Sinclair QL bus expansion, plain text file.
GAL-EPROM-qubide.zip (21K) - GAL + EPROM Qubide
qubide_qbranch.zip (96K) - Original QUBIDE documentation.
Ampliacion.zip (2K) - GAL 512K RAM
board.zip (91K) - Eagle PCB+Scheme files.
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